Monday, November 28, 2011

11-28-11 Weekly Note

Humrichouse Happenings
November 28, 2011

  I hope you all had a very pleasant Thanksgiving break, I had a great time with my family and from morning meeting I can tell that my students enjoyed spending time with their families as well.  We are entering a very busy time of year with all of the “extra stuff” happening I will try to keep things as consistent as possible here for the kids. Homework packets will come home until the last week for December please make sure to get the reading and math done, if you don’t get to the handwriting that is fine the practice at home is paying off for many students repetition is very important to master some skills like subtraction with borrowing.    Next week is music concert on Monday the kids will need to be there at 6:45. 

This week in reading we are working on cause and effect, though the students get the basic parts of it reading and figuring it out in a story is different we will work on it in several stories this week. We are working on “ur” as in fir, her, learn, and burn for our phonic skill this week.  As you look at the homework packet please make sure they are doing the questions at the bottom of the fluency page as this will help the skill of inference and deeper thinking. 

            We are working measurement now our first part was on standard measurement and metric inches and centimeters.  Then we will work on capacity and make chex mix at the end of the week for practice.  Finally we will work on time and calendar. When we come back from Christmas Break we will begin our study on multiplication. 
Social Studies & Science
We continue to work on our daily geography. We will finish up our paper on compare and contrast of our planets to earth then start a unit on Native Americans.

We are working on past tense verbs and subject verb agreement.   

Hope you have a great rest of the week and as always call if you have any questions.
433-1056 Central Building

Tina Humrichouse

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