Thursday, April 5, 2012


This week we have been working on performing poems.  The kids picked great poems and had a great time sharing with the class. Next time we get together with our Kindergarten buddies we will share them.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

February Happenings

Humrichouse Blog for February 2012

I know this is a bit late coming out but I wanted to tell you that the kids did a great job on the Assessment and I feel like they gave their all. Here is a picture of them working hard. Way to go students!!!

Our next big event was practicing a play to perform for the other two classes.  We performed  Dinner with the Bears where the moral was to be nice to your "enemy" they may turn into your friend.  The other performed play was The Ugly Duckling where the moral was treating everyone with kindness even if they are different from you.

Boots worn by the dogs on the Iditarod Race.

Our final big event was having Mr. Schwartz come and do a presentation on his and his families time in Alaska. He brought in many artifacts for the kids and talked about thier experiences living in the three locations in Alaska.  The kids found this to be very fun and we all enjoyed it very much.  I hope you take a minute to have your children talk about the time he was in our class. Thank you so much for coming to our classes Mr. Schwartz from the teachers and the students.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Reading buddies

Today we took the opportunity to read Valentine stories to our Kindergartend reading buddies.  We spent about 25 minutes at Lark reading and sharing Valentine cards and treats with the Kindergartners.  Here are the kids in Ms. Bechtel's room.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Oh my it's February!!

I can't believe that it is already February 6th where has time gone.  We have been working hard on many things since the start of the year.  In science we have been working on the systems of the body. So far we have covered the nervous system, muscular system and skeletal system.  We are currently working on the digestive tract and making posters that will help us in Language Arts when we do our writing in sequence paper. 

Thanks to all of you who have been turning in the homework packets everyweek I am seeing the kids be much more successful at multiplication because of the extra practice.  Also thier spelling has been excellent all year because of the time spent practicing. 

I will try to be more faithful at posting in the next couple of months and if you would like to see the posters the kids made for the Native American unit you can see them at Center Heights.